Grade 5 Registration

Fifth-grade students will have six classes each day and a flex period.

What classes will students have?

Each day students will have a class in:

  • Math
  • Science
  • Language Arts
  • Writing

Every other day students will have Physical Education and Social Studies. 

Students will have a health/wellness class that will meet every other day for 1/2 the school year.

Students will choose a music class - band, choir or orchestra. District 197 4th grade students will have an opportunity to try out the instruments available in band and orchestra. Our middle school music directors will spend one day at each elementary school the last week of January and first week of February. During this time the students and music directors fill out a worksheet, this worksheet is sent home with students. 

Students will identify their preference for an art class - visual arts with ceramics or visual arts with photography. Students may not be scheduled into their first preference. 

How will students identify their music and art choices?

Students participate in an instrument exploration day at their elementary school in late January/early February each year. During this exploration, students get to try out the different instruments of the band, orchestra and choir with the district's middle school music directors. Students will incdiate their music choice and art preference on their registration form. The forms are sent home with students following their instrument exploration day. Extra copies of the forms can be found below. Students will return their registration to their 4th grade teacher by Tuesday February 20, 2024. 

What is a flex period?

Flex time is a 30-minute period of time that will occur around the lunch hour. The district has designed guidelines for the middle schools to design flex. District middle schools are working on their individual plans for flex this winter and spring.  

  • For Grade 5, those guidelines include offering unstructured movement breaks as many days of the week as possible, providing students with recess-like options (which include the option to go outside or stay inside), giving students the option for academic things (like reading and practicing), and not requiring teacher prep.
  • For Grades 6-8, those guidelines include a minimum of 2 days a week of academic support, a goal of student choice sometime during the school year, and cannot require teacher prep.
First page of the PDF file: Grade5RegistrationForm_1
First page of the PDF file: 5thGradeMusicFlyer1
First page of the PDF file: 5thGradeArtFlyer_1
First page of the PDF file: 2024InstrumentRental_ENG
First page of the PDF file: 2024InstrumentRental_SPAN

 To learn more about the music options available for students check out the videos below.